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The Museum-Carbon-Project

  • 2022-08-19 ~ 2022-10-30
  • Seoul B1, Multi Project Hall
  • 조회수1723
  • 공유하기


The Museum-Carbon-Project

— The MMCA Performing Arts 2022: MuseumCarbon-Project was an arena that questioned how a museum should respond in the face of the anthropocentric phenomenon of climate change.

— As a start, the program calculated the amount of carbon emitted at every step of creating an exhibition at the MMCA. For each activity, different projects were organized, and opportunities took place for people from various fields to gather at the museum to share their concerns and start discussions. For individual projects, please refer to the table below.

The discussions, the process and the results of the carbon emission calculation, and the presentation of the projects are assembled and published as a sourcebook, which is attached on this page.

— Climate change and carbon emission is firstly a matter of objective “facts,” but this project foregrounds it as “an object of interest” or “point of negotiation.” It redefines the contemporary art museum and considers it as a political actor that

operates differently.

— Rather than suggesting solutions or measures for climate change and carbon neutrality, the sourcebook aims at raising awareness and confronting the difficult task of creating a sustainable art museum


Project Title

Date and Time



Discussion on Carbon Emissions at Contemporary Art Museums

8.19.(Fri) 15:00

10.29.(Sat) 13:00

How much carbon does one exhibition release? What are the carbon emission levels of each activity related to exhibition-making? As an initial step to finding out the impact of MMCA’s exhibition activities on climate change, the MMCA calculated the carbon emission levels of its exhibitions. Let’s discuss the historical background of carbon accounting and why and how art museums should be calculating their levels of carbon emissions today. #CarbonEmissions

Presentation and discussion

A Workshop on Materials for Sustainable Art Practices:

Future Materials Encounters

8.24.(Wed) 15:00

8.25.(Thurs) 15:00

8.26.(Fri) 15:00

8.27.(Sat) 16:00

A programme of workshops and talks organized in the framework of the Future Materials programme of the Jan van Eyck Academie. Each Encounter features a specific material of the online Bank, creating an opportunity to share knowledges, experiences, and perspectives between online and offline communities of creative makers. #ArtMaterials

*Future Materials, a programme by the Jan van Eyck Academie, The Netherlands.

Audience participation workshop

A Discussion on Materials for Sustainable Art Practices

8.27.(Sat) 13:00

This program discusses the recent growing interest in sustainable art materials, as well as the current practices of researchers and designers. Also, various materials will be introduced, inviting a discussion on their characteristics and ways of use. #ArtMaterials

Presentation and discussion

A Carbon-Neutral MMCA as Imagined by Citizens

9. 3.(Sat), 9.17.(Sat),

10. 1.(Sat), 10.15.(Sat)

10:30, 15:00

This is a policy design experiment in which 240 citizens and museum workers participate in a relay. It starts from the following hypothetical scenario: The MMCA has declared to become a carbon neutral museum and established an inter-departmental team responsible for this task. From children to decision-makers who can actually influence the museum’s policy, different people will come together to discuss what is needed for this Task Force Team that aims to achieve carbon neutrality. #PolicyDesign

Audience participation workshop

A Discussion on Environmental Impact of Art Materials

9.16.(Fri) 15:00

10.20.(Thurs) 15:00

An artwork not only provides visual pleasure but also offers a variety of experiences for the viewer through its materials. This program examines how the chemical interaction of different contemporary art materials influences the artist and the viewer. #ArtMaterials

Presentation and discussion

A Workshop on Museum-Passivhaus

9.18.(Sun) 13:00

9.25.(Sun) 13:00

10. 2.(Sun) 13:00

10. 9.(Sun) 13:00

10.16.(Sun) 13:00

10.23.(Sun) 13:00

A passive approach to energy refers to solving a problem by using the energy given naturally instead of making an active effort. This program draws upon the principles of the Passivhaus* to reflect on the issue of a museum’s energy efficiency in the midst of today’s climate crisis. #Energy

* Passivhaus is a German institute that has created and promoted a voluntary standard for energy-efficient architecture.

Audience participation workshop

A Discussion on Museums and Climate Change (Part 1)

9.27.(Tue) 15:00

This program opens up a discussion on the direction of museums in times of climate change, as seen from the point of view of curators and operations. Through the prism of climate change, participants will question the essence of art and exhibitions, as well as the distance between such ideals and reality. #ArtMuseums

Presentation and discussion

A Discussion on Museums and Climate Change (Part 2)

Exact dates to be announced

In addition to exhibitions, other parts of museums, such as their storage capacities, public art, and art education, are also coming to grips with the issue of climate change. This program invites people involved in these activities to share their concerns on the issue and what specifically has triggered them. #Art


A Humanistic Study on Carbon as an Object: The Issue of Climate Change and Carbon as Another Epistemology

9.30.(Fri) 15:00

Climate change raises a challenge to the boundaries between human history and natural history. It involves a process of addressing problems about the human community. Therefore, it is no longer pertinent to approach the problem from existing frameworks by offering solutions derived in the past. In this respect, the discussion on climate change or carbon emissions must reflect an alternative epistemology to view the present era. #Humanities

Presentation and discussion

The Birth and Death of an Exhibition

(A Qualitative Study by Stakeholders on the Construction, Transportation, and Installation of an Exhibition)

10.13.(Thurs) 13:00

Issues of climate change and carbon neutrality are affecting all processes involved in the “birth and death” of an exhibition. This program traces relevant policies, the actions and perceptions of participants, and the flow of materials. The findings are then visualized. #ExhibitionConstruction

Qualitative study and presentation

Is Sustainable Exhibition Design Possible?

Part 1

Release later through a sourcebook

The Sustainability of Exhibition Design

Recently, practical efforts are being made in designing exhibitions. This discussion examines how such efforts can be continued to ensure sustainability, rather than being a one-time event. #ExhibitionDesign


Is Sustainable Exhibition Design Possible?

Part 2

10.13.(Thurs) 15:00

Operation of the MMCA in the Anthropocene during the Era of Climate Change

This program shares the debates currently going on at the MMCA with regard to designing and operating exhibitions, the agreements made between its members, and the measures it has been preparing. #ExhibitionDesign

Presentation and discussion

Is Sustainable Exhibition Design Possible?

Part 3

10.22.(Sat) 18:00

Sustainable Exhibition Design/Operations and the MMCA’s Relationship with Other Industries

Environmental concerns inevitably lead to higher costs and additional energy, the so-called “green premium.” In the art sector, how is this change interconnected with other industries? This program tackles said question from the point of view of exhibition design, graphic design, and industrial design. #ExhibitionDesign

Presentation and discussion

ESG at Museums

10.29.(Sat) 15:00

In an era of drastic climate change, corporate activities must consider non-financial aspects, which include environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) concerns.

How should art museums and the art industry approach these ESG objectives? How can these ESG factors be connected with the operational strategies of the museum, and what does ESG mean in the art world? #ESG

Discussion, Presentation, pre-workshop, interview

A Discussion on the Clothing Design Process and Sustainability

Discussed in advance, 10.30.(Sun) 15:00

This program addresses the issues that need to be kept in mind when designing a uniform for museum employees. An alternative design process is proposed, taking into consideration environmental influences, the customer service staff members who will be wearing the uniform, and the characteristics of a public art museum. #ClothingDesignProcess

Internal workshop, proposal of clothing design process

  • 기간
    2022-08-19 ~ 2022-10-30
  • 주최/후원
    MMCA/Sponsored by The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Korea/ In cooperation with ECOEYE/ Supported by MOORIM PAPER
  • 장소
    Seoul B1, Multi Project Hall
  • 관람료
    4,000won(Tickets for all exhibition at MMCA Seoul)
  • 작가
  • 작품수
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