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Variety: Special Exhibition of National Art Studios

  • 2009-11-12 ~ 2009-12-06
  • Gwacheon Gallery 7
  • 조회수90
  • 공유하기


Variety: Special Exhibition of National Art Studios

Presenting 16 rising stars of Korean contemporary art from the National Art Studios of National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

Operated by National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, Changdong Art Studio and Goyang Art Studio, opened in June 2002 and April 2004 respectively, provide stable and pleasant working environment for young promising artists to encourage their full concentration on innovative artistic production.

Presenting works by artists with flourishing artistic careers both in and out of Korea in various fields of art who once participated in the National Art Studio, this exhibition is meaningful in that it is the fruition of National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea's endeavors to improve the conditions for visual art creation in Korea as a representative art-promoting institution in Korea, and that the selected represented artists are some of Korea's most prominent artists.
National Art Studios have continuously promoted creativity and cultural sharing by offering opportunities for advancement to promising artists in Asia and Europe, through the provision of a studio and cultural exchanges with each other. The studios have functioned as a site of communication and exchange for artists of different nationalities.

Having matured through the various support programs at National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea, the 16 participating artists were selected through a strict screening process set by Artist Selection Committee consisting of professionals in various fields of art, including art critics, curators, gallerists, and university professors. A variety of 67 innovative and original works by the 16 artists were selected, who were deemed to be 'worth the international curatorial attention for their original and experimental works.'

Presenting the works by 16 artists who were able to establish a solid foundation in their artist practice with the support of National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, the exhibition Variety demonstrates a cross section of Korean contemporary art through works that broaden the horizon in contemporary art. The invigorating artistic practice and highest quality of interdisciplinary artworks of different subjects and materials demonstrate the outstanding capacity of young Korean artists as well as the high level of art promotion and support from National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea.


Song Myung-Jin,  

Soft Monument Memorial
Acrylic on canvas, 194 x 130.3cm 

  Kim Mu-Gi, Mumbling Tree
  Mixed media, 200x200x200cm, 2006
      Kira Kim, Modern Murals Talk Landscape
      Mixed media, Dimensions variable, 2008

Won Sung-Won, Tomorrow- Puppy Village
Light-jet print, 120 x 200cm, 2008
Jung Jin-Young, Divinity0920
Acrylic paint and glass beads on canvas
210 x 140cm, 2009
Jung Seung, Car 2
Car and cable ties, 180x400x160cm, 2008

  • 작가
    Song Myung-Jin, Kim Mu-Gi, Kira Kim, Won Sung-Won, Jung Jin-Young, Jung Seung etc
  • 작품수
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