Art Works

1. Park Soo-keun, Still-Life, Unknown, Pencil, color pencil on paper, 28ⅹ43cm

Park Soo-keun, <Still-Life>



2. Nam Kwan, Winter Window, 1956, Oil on canvas, 99ⅹ64cm

Nam Kwan, <Winter Window>, 1956



3. Kim Bo-min, Map of Gahoe, 2009, Tape, ink and light color on raime fabric, 185×122m×(2)

Kim Bo-min, Map of Gahoe, 2009



4. Lee Eok-yung, Yeoju Yeonyang-ri, 1988, Ink and light color on paper, 156.6ⅹ603cm

Lee  Eok-yung, <Yeoju Yeonyang-ri>, 1988



5. Moon Beom, A Weak Body, 1993, Two lead plates, acrylic on 11 MDF sticks, 59.5×90.5, 96.5×73.3, 245×10×0.8×(11)

 Moon Beom,A Weak Body, 1933



6. Kim Yong-chul, Photo Painting -Television "This Is But a Piece of Paper" , 1979, Oil, silk screen on photograph, 67.5ⅹ87.5cmⅹ(4)

Kim Yong-chul, Photo  Painting -Television



7. Zin Ki-jong, CNN, 2007, Video installation (four channels), mixed media, real time, 200×120×120cm

Zin Ki-jong, CNN, 2007



8. Yook Myong-shim, Writers Series -Lee Oi-soo, 2007/2008, Gelatin silver print, 31.7ⅹ47cm

Yook Myong-shim, Writers  Series -Lee Oi-soo, 2007/2008



9. Moulin Nicolars, Warmdewar, 2006, Single channel-video, 18'57"

Moulin Nicolars, Warmdewar, 2006



10. Ham Yang-ah, Dream... in Life, 2004, Three channel-video, 13' 14"

Ham Yang-ah, Dream... in Life, 2004



11. Jung Yeon-doo, Documentary Nostalgia, 2007, Single channel-video, 85'

Jung Yeon-doo, Documentary Nostalgia, 2007



12. Cyprien Gaillard, The Lake Arches, 2007, Single channel-video, 1' 43"

Cyprien Gaillard, The Lake Arches, 2007



13. Kim Dong-yoo, The Portrait-James Dean, 2008, Oil on canvas, 227.3ⅹ181.8cm

Kim Dong-yoo, The Portrait-James Dean, 2008



14. Mathieu Mercier, Drum & Bass, 2011, Shelf, blue boxes, red vase, yellow torch, 150ⅹ156.7ⅹ20cm

Mathieu Mercier, Drum & Bass, 2011



15. William Kentridge, I Am Not Me, the Horse Is Not Mine, 2008, Eight fragments film(DVD), 48'(each 6')

William Kentridge, I Am Not Me, the Horse Is Not Mine, 2008



16. Park Ki-won, Width, 2007~2008, Oil on paper, 214ⅹ150cmⅹ(20)

Park Ki-won, Width, 2007~2008